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People Embracing Christ

Every four minutes someone comes to faith in Jesus through Alliance ministries. Every year thousands of future church leaders are being equipped for ministry in 125 theological schools worldwide.


People Serving Christ

More than half of our international workers serve in the 10/40 Window, among unreached peoples, or are engaged in compassion and relief ministries among some of the world's neediest people.


People Worshiping Christ

Nearly 500,000 believers worship in 35 languages in 2,050 U.S. C&MA churches every week. Across the world, 5 million people gather in 30,000 Alliance churches and church groups. In 70 countries, our Alliance family is making disciples, planting churches, reaching neighbors, and sending workers. As an alliance of Great Commission Christians, we are called to take the whole gospel to the whole world. With that in mind, we contribute our time and finances to the work of Jesus Christ through our local Alliance church. By giving to the Great Commission Fund, we are partners in taking Christ's message of hope and love to our neighbors and the nations. We believe God is at work in each of His children, and He has equipped us to live the call together (2 Peter 1:3). Prayerfully consider what God would have you do to help complete His Great Commission and bring back the King.


Our Passion

The Great Commission

Jesus commissioned His followers to "go and make disciples of all nations" (Matthew 28: 19).

This command expresses the heart of the Father-to reconcile lost people to Himself. Captured by Jesus' love for us, we desire others to enjoy the same genuine relationship with Christ.Our driving passion-why we exist-is to know Christ and complete His Commission. This compels us to reach our own communities with the good news of Jesus.But the Alliance family doesn't stop in our own cities. Reaching the lost is a cause for which we are willing to go, quite literally, to the ends of the earth.


Our Calling

The Great Commandment

Jesus instructed His followers to "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.... Love your neighbor as yourself" (Matthew 22:37-39). Love is not optional for Christians. We who have experienced the great love of the Father want to share His love with others. Today, The Alliance is caring for the refugee, the sick, and the lost through relief work, clinics, schools, and other acts of compassion. This gives us opportunity to share the message of Christ’s saving love. We make it a priority to establish churches so that those who come to Christ will have the support and discipleship of a church family. Love in action - word matched by deed - this is The Alliance.


Our Family

Diverse and United

If you were to visit 10 Alliance churches across the country (or around the world), you would find each one refreshingly distinct. Diverse ethnicities and worship styles characterize our fellowship. In a unique way, our diversity serves to unite the Alliance family as we choose to focus on Christ and matters of eternal significance. We agree on the basic beliefs of Christianity and are thoroughly grounded in God's Word. We celebrate our multifaceted fellowship as an expression of God's wonderfully creative nature.


Our Mission

Developing the Deeper Life

Our mission is to know Jesus Christ; exalt Him as Savior, Sanctifier, Healer, and Coming King; and complete His Great Commission:• Evangelizing and discipline persons throughout the United States, and • Incorporating them into Christ-centered, community-focused congregations, • Mobilizing them for active involvement in a missionary effort designed to plant Great Commission churches among both unreached and responsive peoples worldwide


Our Vision

The Alliance will be a fellowship of Great Commission Christians who are glorifying God by building Christ's Church worldwide.


For information on Missions International -

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